Nairn County FC are embarking on a major fundraising drive to further enhance Station Park.
The club has been approached by a number of fans who are interested in relaunching the highly successful Ground Improvement Fund (GIF) which generated £100,000 towards major infrastructure development between 2013 and 2020.
Chairman Mark Kelman said: “I’m delighted with the progress the club is making in the short time I’ve been with the club. What has impressed me most is the dedication of so many people assisting with the day to day running of Nairn County and its fans. We are indeed lucky to have such a strong base on which to build.”
Lifelong Nairn fan, Donald Wilson will be leading the ground improvement fund from a fans’ perspective.
“We are delighted to have on board Donald Wilson who will help coordinate some of the fundraising projects. Donald is known to most of us as part of our 50-50 draw sales team on match days. But of course he also launched the initial Ground Improvement Fund a decade ago.
“But time moves on and the club will continue to have challenges which we have to meet if we are to achieve our goal of consolidating the club at the heart of the community and maintaining Station Park which is now over 100 years old.”
One major challenge facing the club is to raise funds for the replacement of the floodlights. The current lights having been in place since the 1970s.
Any funds raised by the fans and Nairn public will be wholly invested in infrastructure and developing Station Park including for additional community use.
The club will be seeking grants from any potential funding bodies as well as introducing a buy a brick initiative at Station Park.
Donald Wilson said: “The last GIF exceeded all expectations. We are in completely different economic times, and we would stress that we are only hoping people give what they can afford. I’m already working on some ideas and would appreciate any support from fans in the running of some of events.
“We already have booked County Stormtrooper Trevor Ross and his Star Wars pals for the last game of the season against Keith at Station Park on April 1 so it should be a great occasion for the family when the kids can get photos taken and we will have a bucket collection.”
Donald Wilson and the club welcome any parties interested in helping with the Ground Improvement Fund to get in touch via