A book to mark the centenary of Nairn County FC in the Highland League is being written and assembled by Graeme Macleod, Bill Logan and myself – Donald Wilson. It will be published within the next couple of months. The book covers the club's formative years dating back to the 1880's before our entry to the league. It incorporates a history of the club through to the present day charting the high and the lows and incorporates interviews with many former players and an extensive photographic record. The book costs £20 and all proceeds go towards the Supporters Ground Improvement Fund. Postal costs have not yet been calculated. but if you wish to order the book you can do so by sending a cheque in the name of Nairn County FC Supporters Ground Improvement fund to Steven Bain, Essbee, Mill Road, Nairn or Donald Wilson, 1 Ballark Place, High Street, Nairn. There will be an additional charge for postal orders. So far £2,200 has been received for advance orders but more is needed so please place your order soonest as to facilitate the first print run we do need further subscribers to contribute. Donald Wilson